Hotel Digital Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide

“Survival of the fittest” is no new concept in the business world; for all kinds of industries, it is necessary to adapt to modern ways of technology, so that they don’t lag behind in the race [...]

Rebrand Your Company The Right Way

“Rebranding” has many forms: changing the logo, overall colour palate, or even changing the company’s entire philosophy. In any case, the fundamental outcome doesn’t change: to change your [...]

Here’s How Your Grocery Store Can Avoid Food Waste

When we talk about food waste, we are too quick to point the finger at consumers – and forget the other possible culprit: grocery stores. Though their contribution is slight, it is enough [...]

How To Make Your Small Bookstore Stand Out

Running a bookstore can be a tough task – especially if it’s an independent entity, standing up against the bigger giants, with multiple outlets scattered around almost every corner. In [...]

Social Responsibility: Why It Matters For Your Business

As human beings, we want to leave our mark; a mark that generations will remember. And no impact matters more than one that improves the society we live in. Such is the case of social [...]

Harnessing Behavioural Psychology For Your Benefit

Behavioural psychology is – as the name suggests – the study of the human behaviour. On the surface level, it doesn’t seem like much; in fact, it seems like something most [...]

Revive Your Stagnant Business Before It’s Too Late

The business world is fast, ever-evolving, and extremely competitive. In a world as dynamic as ours, stagnation is a recipe for disaster. Its a problem most small business owners suffer from when [...]

E-commerce Metrics You Need To Keep An Eye On

When you’re running your store, success is the only thing on your mind. But you’re going to need a lot more than just a good gut-feeling if you want to get it – you need to be able to [...]

POS System: Your Next Best Business Adviser

Running a business is no easy task; you’ve got a lot more than just setting up shop to worry about. Sales, inventory, marketing, employee management – the list practically goes on and on. [...]

Staff vs. Software: Who Rules The Store?

The business world has seen some truly dynamic times; from depending entirely on manual labor, to moving towards machinery, and then finally entering the technology realm – to say that it [...]