Make The Most Of Ramadan With These Marketing Tricks

 In Dynamic Marketing

The holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner, and Muslims all around the world are preparing themselves for a month of blessings, piety and perseverance.

Business owners also have their own planning to do – though for different reasons.

There is no doubt in the fact that business trends change dramatically during Ramadan; on one hand, workforce productivity sees a decrease because of fasting periods. On the other hand, consumer spending increases by 53%!

No matter how unpredictable the metrics may be, you need to be prepared at all times. For that, we’ve got your back. Here are the best marketing tricks you can use to make the most of Ramadan:

Align Ad Times

In Ramadan, timing matters a lot. People tend to stay awake well after midnight, so that they can have their Sehri. That’s why you’ll find a lot of activity from consumers from 2 AM to 5 AM, with high conversion rates at 3 AM.

No matter how inhumane these timings may feel like, make the most of them – optimise your ads so that they pop up on potential customers’ screens at the right time. Using slightly higher bidding rates will allow you to stand out from the crowd, and help you run your ad more efficiently.

Make Ads With Meaning

During Ramadan, people look past numbers and flashy images; if they want to see an ad, they want it to mean something.

This is where “story-telling” comes into play – ads that deliver a story with a purpose, and not just a money-making offer. Such campaigns work because they promote values like charity, humility, devotion and the like. Thus, they strike closer to the viewers’ hearts, and connect with them more personally.So be creative, and resonate with the spirit of Ramadan – something everyone loves.

Keep Your Content Tailored

Ads don’t have to be restricted to long videos with expensive actors and huge sets – sometimes businesses don’t have that much of a budget. Instead, it’s best to work with things like social media ads, SMS and the like.

Even so, don’t keep content one-dimensional – make the most of the different phases of Ramadan, the two major ones being pre-Iftar and post-Iftar. Tailor your content, and adjust them with the changing phases of Ramadan, so that your audience always sticks to relevant content.

Of course, adjusting to so many changes can be hard – so automating the process works like wonders. It helps establishing one channel of interacting with potential customers without you sweating over it.

For dynamic marketing, you need a dynamic system – and Oscar happens to be a great option. This POS software has a marketing system that allows you to compose, customise and send scheduled SMSs with full automation. You can also analyse their performance by checking out key metrics. It’s a great addition to any store, especially during Ramadan.

These tricks are just a few of the many possible ways you can gauge an audience’s attention and engagement – all you have to remember is one golden piece of advice: never ignore the festive nature of Ramadan. Make the most of it!

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