Employee Management Tips

 In Employee and Purchase Management

Do you ever feel that your workers need a little push? Or they could do better but need a little polishing? And if your answer is yes then you’re at the right place, keep reading.

This blog tackles with staff training and offers some tactics that might come in handy in helping you to facilitate effective learning to make sure your staff is performing at their best.

1. Get in touch:

It is important for you to know all your staff at a personal level, for instance; their nature, keeping that in mind you can figure out the best training method accordingly. Sarkis Hakopdjanian, Principal at The Business Clinic says that the first thing he likes to do is learn about his new employees; who they are, why they chose this job, what motivates them, how they learn best in school, their interests and etc.
Once you get to know your employees, you’ll learn about their motivations for working in their role which will help you as to how you need to motivate them during training. Your training needs to be customized according to the individual. For example, some people learn visually, in such cases you need to use images and infographics to get through your point. Some people learn by doing, so for such people, you need to focus on role-playing. If you learn about their interests, you can even create analogies and examples that would be familiar to them, helping them further.

2. Create a balance:

You need to understand as to when rules should be enforced and when an employee should be given room to be creative. Rules and guidelines are important to keep employees on track and ensure consistency in procedures but some areas of your business might not necessarily need rigid rules. For example, Nordstrom, an American chain of a departmental store is famous for its staff improvement practices. One example of this is their “No Return Policy”. They leave that up to the employee and ask them to focus on their judgment and satisfy the customer in their own way.
Obviously, this certainly does not mean you should end all your return policies but what you can actually do is look into your work/business and determine as to what areas need strict rules and which ones need to be open, welcoming ideas and creativity from employees’ end and then train them accordingly.

3. Use several learning tools:

Hakopdjanian states “People learn and retain information best when they are using several aspects of their brain simultaneously”. For instance, at first, they would hear the information from someone. After a while, they will demonstrate it themselves, and role play. Then eventually they will pass on what was taught to others.

The moral is, the more you incorporate various aspects of someone’s brain, the more information would be retained; hence they will learn more. Ensure that your employees are using maximum aspects of their brain by utilizing multiple learning methods to train them. For instance, if you have a POS software, you could demonstrate the procedures and programs in person and later on ask them to look into “how-to” videos and research a little on it.

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