Hospitality has never been this easy

Use our remarkable features to make sure your hotel runs the way you want

Cloud-based security
Cloud-based security

Analyse data, track guest reservations, and manage folios wirelessly with our cloud-based Hotel Management POS software. With syncing and online backup, you don’t have to worry about data loss.

Multiple Locations - one platform
Multiple Locations - one platform

Simplify your hotel and resort management by combining POS, front of house, back of house and guest-facing technology on a single, advanced platform.


Fully integrated payment processing for quicker, more accurate, and highly secure transactions with the flexibility to choose a source that’s viable for you.


Manage better, host better

Make management of point of sale as smart as your hotel, with an effective POS system. Our user-friendly dashboard has all the features you need, letting you access valuable things like best selling products, most active customers, most loyal employee and more.

  • Quick payment procedures
  • Manage customer profiles
  • Ensure Customer Loyalty
  • Search by Item & Bar code
  • Optimized marketing
  • Simple set-up & usage
  • Works online & offline
  • Track reports on-the-go
  • Cash & Stock control
  • Advanced Employee Management
  • Accounting reports & analytics
  • Offer deals & discounts

Start selling with Oscar

Set up your free demo for Oscar POS now

Good Words Good People

  • Oscar worked perfectly for our mart operation across multiple Shell Select stores. We needed POS software that would provide visibility into operations, and help us manage multiple locations. The depth of analytics and insights provided by Oscar’s dashboard and mobile app are unparalleled to anything else available in Pakistan.

    Junaid K Director - Panda Retail
  • Oscar’s provided us such flexibility and peace of mind that we’re able to open up a second location.

    Shehzad W COO - Alpha Retail
  • It’s perfect for a fashion boutique like ours that needed robust capabilities on a reasonable budget. It has helped us cut down on excess inventory and improved the way we run our operations.

    Vishal B Owner, Riccado

Get In Touch With Us

Where we are:

9th Floor, QFC Tower 1, West Bay, Doha

Customer Care:

+44 743 818-7468

General Email:


Mon. – Fri. 9AM – 12PM AST