How to Read your Customer’s mind

When you read that title, you might think, “Should that even be a question for an entrepreneur?” The answer to that – sadly – is yes. You’d be surprised to see how many entrepreneurs [...]

Future of Fashion: Updated trends for your boutique

There’s no industry out there quite volatile and nimble like the fashion industry. With ever-changing trends and ever-changing sentiments, your store always has to act at the speed of light, [...]

Winning Loyalty: 7 smart ways to retain customers

Anyone working in sales will tell you one thing: finding new ways to increase customer revenues is always top priority. However, most salespeople are so focused on gaining new clients that they [...]

The Perfect CRM System

CRM – or Customer Relationship Management – is a system that improves your company’s relationships with customers. You can improve interaction with existing customers, find new [...]

Make Customer Relationships Last Longer

Consumers are quite confident – one moment they’ll support your brand, but as soon as they lose interest, they will switch over to another vendor. You can’t blame them – they only [...]

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