Oscar Udhaar: An App For The Ambitious

Small businesses are important for every community and their survival is extremely vital. In an era of globalization it is paramount that small businesses move forward along with the rest of the [...]

Learn How To Sell Anywhere With a Mobile POS System

Mobile POS systems have been steadily and rapidly on the rise – and they will  only continue to grow in the coming years. The benefits to your business and customers of a mobile POS system [...]

How to Turn Returns and Exchanges Into Sales

In the retail world, product returns and exchanges are a fact of life. Customers return items for a whole myriad of reasons; plenty of which have nothing to do with product quality. With returns [...]

How to Scale Your Retail Business Through Bulk Selling

At some point, every business owner will face the dilemma of scale. Whether you’re opening a second store, doing a weekend trade at crafts fairs, or selling online, the question is the same for [...]

Retail Trends for the New Year

New years bring new trends — as well as new opportunities and challenges for retailers. It’s important to keep apprised of retail trends in today’s rapidly changing industry landscape. You might [...]

Product Pricing: 5 Steps to Set Prices For Store-owners

When launching a new product in your retail store, the thought of setting a price might feel daunting. How do you set a price high enough to make a profit that isn’t so high that it scares your [...]

How to Use Your Checkout Counter to Make More Sales

Your checkout counter is where a shopper becomes a paying customer. It may feel like your biggest challenge lies in getting people to the checkout counter to in the first place — and that’s [...]

Create an Inventory Management System

Inventory management can be a complex concept with innumerable moving parts. For retailers building a plan from scratch or overhauling an old one, creating an inventory management system is [...]

The Best Legal Structure for Your Retail Business

When you first open a retail store, there’s a lot to do. Finding your space, designing your store, ordering inventory, inventory management system, etc.But before you do any of that, you have to [...]

Validate Your Retail Business Idea With a Focus Group

Some entrepreneurs make the mistake of running with an idea before running it past their potential customers. So, how does a business ensure their product or service will gain traction, [...]