Refund policy

We hope you enjoy our services, because we strive to give our 100%. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your POS system, you may request for a refund.

Please see below for more information on our return policy.

Validity of Refund Claim

Request for a refund must be issued within 5 business days of the system deployment date. A time period of 10 business days shall be issued after the refund claim is made, in which we shall make efforts to resolve any issue(s)
A request for refund will the considered if it is applicable to the following clauses:

  • The claim itself must be fair, logical and should be issued to us as early as possible.
  • If, in any case, we are unable to deliver our commitments as per our plan/given timeframe, then the refund request may be considered valid.
  • For predefined packages involving payment for a time period more than 3 months, 40% cost will be charged in terms of service cost.

A request for refund will be considered invalid if:

  • The claim for refund is made after 5 business days following the date of deployment;
  • The claim for refund is made during system/setup customization time period agreed upon during deployment/training;
  • The customer is unable to fulfill requirements expected from him/her during the customization duration;
  • The claim for refund is made after a month of deployment, with or without having used our services.

Additional services

Please note that any additional services or technical support are non-refundable as our time cannot be recovered.
The refund policy is not applicable for any hardware; such equipment will have been delivered/shipped as per request and specifications made entirely by the customer.

Refund Process

Upon confirmation of the claim, the refund process shall be completed within 14 business days. The monetary amount shall be deposited in the same bank account from which the amount had been remitted at the time of purchase/deployment.

Contacting us

If your questions are still left unanswered, you may contact us at

Get In Touch With Us

Where we are:

9th Floor, QFC Tower 1, West Bay, Doha

Customer Care:

+44 743 818-7468

General Email:


Mon. – Fri. 9AM – 12PM AST